Inflammation and How It Affects the Body

Inflammation and How It Affects the Body

Tree that diagrams inflammationI took a convicting class yesterday. The class was all about inflammation and the body, what causes it, ways to fix it, and what happens if it goes untreated.

Dr. Sally Fisher, MD, MS, said that doctors are baffled by people age 56 and over who are not yet on medications, like statins, in our society.

National Geographic did an observational study on distinct places in the world where people tend to live the longest. One was Loma Linda California another was Japan, another area in Costa Rica… they are called the Blue zones. There’s a Netflix special about the Blue zones, how people live and what they do, to stay healthy and live longer.

Inflammation all starts in the gut. Drugs like antibiotics destroy our gut lining, so you have to find the right probiotic to rebuild the flora.

How to Decrease Inflammation

Here are some of the things that decrease inflammation: eliminating smoking and drinking, exercise, being out in nature, having family, community, spirituality/church/Meditation/mindfulness based stress reduction, yoga, emotional and  spiritual wellbeing (*process those festering emotions), intermittent fasting, saunas, small periods of cold or heat exposure, eating healthy/diets, gardening, hunter-gatherer cultures were the healthiest. Exposure to sunlight and Vitamin D also reduced inflammation.

Inflammation predisposes you to disease 🦠 such as Viruses. Intermittent fasting is 15 hours a day where you body doesn’t eat or drink anything, except water, black coffee or tea. Not eating for this period of time allows your body to reset. The cancer cells die off first, because they need sugar to live. Same within inflammatory cells.

Causes of Inflammation

Inflammation is caused when people feel chronic stress, negative mental and spiritual states, isolation and loneliness, unhealthy eating, (chemically laden foods), drinking alcohol, smoking, overeating and sedentary lifestyle with no exercise.

So now that I’m convicted, and I know too much, I’m trying intermittent fasting during the work week. Happy May and here’s to enjoying my plain black coffee in the morning! 😜⚡️☕️

Jayma Jamieson, MA, NCC, LPC
A Boulder Body Mind Spirit Counseling, LLC – 303.579.5134

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