Emotional Abandonment in Relationship

Emotional Abandonment in Relationship

Do you feel abandoned? Unseen? Do you wish you were single, and think it would be less lonely that way?Being with an emotionally unavailable person feels like your body is in a relationship but your soul is single
This seems to be a common feeling and complaint in marriage and other committed relationships.

Marriage is not easy and it takes two committed people to grow together, instead of apart.

I wish there were an easy answer or solution, but it varies for each person.

The emotions are real, ranging from feeling abandoned, betrayed, lonely, frustrated, powerless, sadness and more.

Working on the Emotional Baggage

In order to make a wise decision, we need to work on the emotional baggage, and break free from limiting beliefs, or lies we’ve believed about ourselves because of the relationship patterns.

Do you question and blame yourself? Feel shame and disappointment around choosing an unhealthy marriage partner?

Do you wonder how you got into this type of relationship, and how you chose an emotionally unavailable partner?

Have you developed an addiction to cope with the loneliness and pain? There are many to choose from some examples being: Shopping, Drinking alcohol, smoking pot, working too much, chronic busyness. We creatively come up with ways to distract ourselves, so that we can avoid the inevitable conflict or decisions. Have you chosen to numb your pain around emotional neglect?

Staying Physically Healthy While Processing Trauma

In order to stay physically healthy, it’s important to process our emotional pain and work through traumas, big and small. I will support and help you work through confusion and the mixed emotions from an unhealthy, unfulfilling, emotionally disconnected marriage. You will process your feelings and have clarity about what to do moving forward.

If you are feeling alone and unsupported, or stuck in a dead end relationship, please reach out to me for support, healing and processing of emotions. We heal in safe, supportive, therapeutic environments.

Reach Out for Support

I can help you to understand and communicate what you need, and make the best decisions for yourself moving forwards.

What are you waiting for? Reach out today for support and healing. You can also read my previous blog about breaking free from limiting beliefs.

Jayma Jamieson, MA, NCC, LPC
[email protected]